makeup skincare review

Mia Clarisonic: Log 2

It’s the 2nd week now. Another update on my skin….not much improvement yet…

Patience Patience!!

Review: Mia Clarisonic (Log 1)

It’s been a little bit more than a week that I’ve used my Mia! The results are not outstanding like some other users have claimed. But there are definitely some positive changes. 🙂

I regret that I have no comparison picture of before I start using Mia…so there is only after pictures.

 Yeah…pimples are definitely still there! But, the numbers have decreased and they are not as big. My skin also does not look as oily nor as dull. My healthy glow is starting to resurface.

I use it once daily after my shower. If I could, I usually finish before the 1 minute timer. I do not want to over exfoliate my skin, which could damage the skin. So I go by my own judgement. If i feel that my skin is getting more sensitive in one spot, i would stop going over there with my Mia.

Nose areas are harder to reach since the mia brush is flat and is not bendable. Just something that I noticed right away when i use the Mia.

Using Mia to cleanse the face is much fun and is no hassle at all! I always look forward using it because it’s so soothing. I actually save more time using Mia than using my own hand.

So far, I do not regret purchasing my Mia. However, it hasn’t done some miracle yet. I will be patient and keep blogging about progress of my skin…


Mia Clarisonic!

After a few months of non-stop breakouts….I’ve finally given up and bought a Mia Clarisonic. There are waaaaay too much good reviews about it. It’s surely captivating when most claim it changed their lives completely! How can I resist when I’m soooo sick and tired of my skin condition.

I’ve chosen the Pink Mia Clarisonic as it looks the cutest! plus a portion of it goes to Breast cancer foundation! 🙂 You kinda feel better about yourself, less guilty “hey at least i’m donating!”

I have high hopes!! Hopefully it’ll do miracles to my skin 😀

First impression when I opened the package…”wow…they really didn’t spend much on the packaging”  I would expect a more sturdy box or just better overall packaging for such a price tag skin tool. Oh well. as long the product works…. What i’m overly intrigued is the charger! You don’t need to plug the charger into the clarisonic! It’s magnetic. Ok. maybe i’m just out of date with these gadgets but i’m just so amused with it!

I’ve just tried it. I like how it has a timer (1 minute) so i don’t overdo it! I thought it would be harsh on the face but i almost felt like nothing! Rather very soothing. I feel like using it again for another 1 minute because it was so enjoyful but i resisted.

Results after one try: I heard people see results after one try. Honestly…I don’t see any result IMMEDIATELY. I shall keep a log about my skin condition progression. 🙂


Review: Fiberwig Mascara (brown)

This is one of the most popular mascaras in Japan. I’ve seen it all over their magazines. From my trip to Asia, I purchased one to try it out!

Sadly, I chose brown because i thought the black one would give me overdramatic lashes for office wear. This is also the whole reason behind my regret.

Fiberwig lengthens lashes, and does not give volume. So…because mine is brown, my lashes appear even lesss “thick”. However, it really does make my lashes longer. I can see the length increasing in every layer i applied. If only i bought the black one eh? Unless you’re a fan of really natural lashes, go for the brown one. But as for asians, i think it’s better to go with the black one.

Oh and it’s waterproof and smudge-proof and yet so easy to remove with any oil cleanser!

Will i go purchase the black one then? No. It’s so overpriced here, like almost 30$. I’m recently loving drugstore mascaras. They are working so well! 🙂

Oh by the way, I’m so against with people saying “oh it’s worth if you buy an high end mascara, i mean it’s 30$ , that’s like 3 drugstore mascara, Just buy less of that”

But if you do calculations….it’s not exactly worth it. (unless your high end mascara is reaaaally THAT good, but honestly, drugstore mascara are amazing as well)

So to prove my point (only pricing wise, i’m ignoring the happiness factors that the high end mascara will make it worth it)

High end mascara: 30$
Drugstore mascara: 10$

Need 4 mascara every year (if we follow the rule of tossing it every 3 months) assuming that we’re faithful with this mascara

High end mascara: 30$ x 4 = 120$
Drugstore mascara: 10$ x 4 = 40$

That basically means 80$ every year that you could have spent on something else. Does the 80$ really justify the “worth it” factor to go for that mascara? Does it make such a huge difference? hmmm… well if you got no financial problems, go ahead and spurge away! But would it be wiser to spend that 80$ elsewhere?

(80$ may not sound a lot…but if you were to implicate a few years into the equation…it sums up a lot)


2010 Most used/favorites

Like many other blogs have done, I decided to look back at 2010 and see what are the products i often go to. They are not necessarily my favorites (just for the sake of finishing the damn product).

Mac Lightfall
This eyeshadow appears on Mac quad Shadowy Lady. It is like one of the most unpigmented eyeshadow out there. No matter how much I put, it barely shows up. The reason I use it as my eyebrow highlight, is because I just want to finish the product. lol it’s annoying me how i’m using it daily and it hasn’t hit pan yet!!

Mac Ground Brown
This is a sort-like a healthy slightly moisturized soil for inside plant color. haha or a better sound descrption, a rich chocolate brown. It’s perfect to warm up and deepen any eye look by applying on the outer corner of the eyes. It really goes well with any eyeshadow, cool or warm.

Mac Creme de Cup

This is my go to lipstick all the time! It flatters any look and can be worn at the office.It’s just a basic pink color to have for those that have the same skintone as me.

Nars Laguna
My only bronzer! and yet I have no urge to look for anywhere else, at least not until i finish it. It is really capable of faking a tan skin. It adds layers of warmth without problem, all while not looking overly fake. The shimmers in this bronzer is very subtle and barely noticeable when applied.

Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner

Whenever I want some precise and dark defining eyeliner, I always use Dolly Wink’s liquid eyeliner. Its tip is so fine. I can easily grasp the control and also it is my first liquid eyeliner and I do not find it difficult to use. Its staying power is great. It’s easy to remove too by a makeup remover! And the best of it, I can draw very thin lines as well as thick ones.

Nars Orgasm
Nowadays, I often heard how Nars Orgasm is a overrated blush. But at least to me personally, Nars Orgasm really does wonder to my cheeks! It is so far the most flattering blush i own. It gives a very healthy glow in summer and in winter! When I’m tan during summer, the little shimmer in the blush and the whole coral and pinkish color it adds complete my whole bronzed look! While during winter, my pale/ lacking of color on my face is “revived” by adding a hint of this blush on the cheeks.

Nars Copacabana
I purchased this item when a makeup artist highly recommended to me. But when I saw the price, it kinda pushed me back a bit. But it’s ok! Now it has become my go-to highlight item! Plus, it does a carry quite some amount of  product inside this item – it barely shows any sign of usage. Not to mention, the texture is so creamy!

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler

I have owned the well known Koji eyelash curler previously before my Shu Uemura’s one. But I still prefer Shu Uemura’s curler that much more. I think it’s the feel of it that is better. Undoubtedly, Koji’s one takes much less effort to press and does give great definition to the lashes. But Shu Uemura is still my personal favorite for some odd reason.

And as for 2011, my beauty resolution should be, try to stick with what I have. Use what I have. Finish what I have before purchasing new things. 🙂

Let’s all start and live 2011! And listening to this song, it’s a great start!

Happy New Year!